Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Free Radiation, Compliments of the Charming TSA

I find myself, yet again, sitting in an airport terminal waiting on another completely inconvenient connecting flight. No worries though, I'm following the proper sequence of airport etiquette, which means I'm ridiculously sleep deprived, full of bad coffee and feeling generally crappy. Thanks to the TSA's revolutionary, "hands up sir," full body scan, I have also received a morning radiation dosage, adequate for killing small woodland creatures. This is round one of a series of 3 flights; if I'm still in control of my mental faculties by the time I reach Charlotte, I will update. This is also considering the folks at Charlotte are as accommodating as Indy and its free Wifi.


C. Baumunk said...

Charlotte is a free wifi kinda place, nice. Now where's the Cheers bar I've been told about?

Agatha said...

I don't really know what that +1 thing means, but I tried doing something equivalent to the "like" button from fb... :)